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  • Record-Setting Reckless Driving Conviction Virginia Rehabilitation Court Success – Felony DWI 3rd in 10 Reduced to Reckless Driving

    Our client, facing a felony DWI 3rd in 10 years, mandatory jail time, and an indefinite DMV license suspension, successfully completed Virginia’s Rehabilitation Court Program. Charge reduced to Reckless Driving. This case highlights the power of Virginia’s Rehabilitation Court in helping individuals turn their lives around.

  • Charges Dismissed Grand Larceny

    Reviewed discovery and located numerous holes in the Commonwealth's case establishing a theft had occurred, client completed STOP class and convinced prosecution to reduce charge to misdemeanor and then dismiss entirely.

  • Not Guilty Reckless Driving by Speed (130/55)

    Client was clocked by a State Trooper at 130/55 coming home from MGM in Maryland. Case proceeded to trial and due to an issue with the officer’s calibrations, no testimony regarding the speed was permitted resulting in a finding of Not Guilty

  • All Charges Dismissed by Prosecution Abduction (Felony), Obstruction of Justice, Domestic Assault and Battery

    Investigated case and showed the charge of Abduction was based upon a miscommunication between officer and complaining witness, convinced prosecutor to dismiss charge without hearing. Showed obstruction of justice predicated upon the client asserting his constitutional rights and dismissed by prosecutor as well. Domestic Assault and Battery eventually dismissed prior to trial as well.

  • Felonies Dismissed Possession with Intent to Distribute Marijuana (Felony), Hit and Run (Felony), Reckless Driving

    Client struck the side of another vehicle and drove from scene, stopping a short distance later. The driver of the other vehicle followed and called police. Police arrived and located a small amount of marijuna in the vehicle and a larger amount in a backpack a short distance away. Clearly belonged to passengers, convinced prosecution based on weaknesses of case and Community Service done by client to drop all felonies and only convict on Reckless Driving.

  • Charge Amended DUI and Refusal
    Excellent example of our proactive approach providing dividends. Had client complete substance abuse evaluation and recommended course thereafter, also provided information on exemplary career of PC prior to this incident. That program completion proved to be the basis the prosecutor determined a reduction of the charge was appropriate.
  • Charge Reduced Felony Hit and Run

    The allegation was the client had side swiped a truck while driving, and fled the scene. The government tried to claim the other truck was a total loss. The client testified that the other truck failed to stop after the accident, and she had been fully cooperative with the police.

  • Charge Reduced DUI and Refusal
    Client had an accident and was immediately arrested for DUI, blood test showed alcohol level above the legal limit. Showed the Commonwealth that there existed a strong probability of suppression of blood evidence due to lack of probable cause to arrest, case dropped to reckless with no license suspension.
  • Probation DWI 2nd in 5 with Elevated BAC

    Client entered plea of guilty to one count of a Straw Purchase of a Firearm (False statement on ATF form). Sentenced to 2 years probation with 8 months of home incarceration with timeouts for work, and other appointments as approved by Probation.-- Over the course of two separate days the client purchased 7 firearms for a friend he had known since Elementary School. The friend was a convicted felon and suspected member of a street gang. Client received $200-$500 per firearm as payment. Confessed to ATF agents prior to charges being brought.

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